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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
27 September 2001 (27.09.2001) 



(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/71329 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 ; G01N 27/26, 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/KR01/00120 

(22) International Filing Date: 30 January 2001 (30.01.2001) 

(25) Filing Language: Korean 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 

22 March 2000 (22.03.2000) KR 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): ALL 
MEDICUS CO., LTD. [KR/KR]; Samsung Life In- 
surance, Kwanyang-Dong Building, 1st Floor, 1459-2, 
Kwanyang 2-Dong, Dongan-Gu, Anyang, Kyunggi-Do 
431-062 (KR). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): RYU, Jun-Oh 
[KR/KR]; 98-9 Jongam2-Dong, Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul 

136-092 (KR). LEE, Jin-Woo [KR/KR]; 402 
Syunghwa- mansion, 1468-1, Gwanyang2-Dong, Don- 
gan-Gu, Anyang, Kyunggi-Do 431-062 (KR). CHOI, 
In-Hwan I KR/KR]; 401-1403, Dal-vit Macul, Hwa- 
jeong-Dong, Deokyang-Gu, Koyang, Kyunggi-Do 
412-270 (KR). 

(74) Agents: CHO, Heum-O et al.; HO & CHO International 
Patent & Law Office, Seo-won Building, 4th Floor, 1699-1 
Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul 137-070 (KR). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, 
DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FT, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, 
HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, 
LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NO, 
NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, 
TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, 

[Continued on next page] 








""-^ (57) Abstract: An Electrochemical biosensor readout meter which can do selectively quantitative analysis of sample of living body 

^ such as blood sugar, cholesterol and other elements in blood is disclosed. It is an object of this invention to provide electrochemical 
biosensor readout meter which has no distortion in peak current and can be manufactured in a low cost In a preferred embodiment 
of present invention, a voltage converting means (OP2) is set to convert peak current which occurs at 3rd voltage applying time (t3) 

^ into voltage with no distortion and an amplifier (OP3) is set to make digital voltage signal at measuring time (t4) lower than reference 

^ voltage of A/D converter. 

WO 01/71329 Al f fllfl Iffllfll fl Illffl ilflf ffll I If Iff f IHf If III fflf I »f f I llll I WIB fill Ml Bll 

IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BR BJ, CF 
CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— with international search report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 

WO 01/71329 




The present invention relates to an electrochemical 
biosensor readout meter which can operate quantitative 
analysis on specific biomaterials such as blood sugar, 
cholesterol and so forth. 



Recently electrochemical biosensors are frequently 
used in medical field to analyze biomaterials including 

15 blood. Among those, enzyme-utilizing electrochemical 
biosensors are used most generally in hospitals and 
clinical labs because they are easy to apply, superior in 
measurement sensitivity, and allow rapid acquisition of 
test results. Enzyme analyzing method applied in 

20 electrochemical biosensors can be largely divided into 
chromophoric method which is a spectroscopic way and 
electrode method, an electrochemical way. Generally, the 
measuring time in chromophoric method takes longer than 
electrode method, and difficult to analyze significant 

25 biomaterials due to the measurement errors caused by the 
turbidity of biomaterials. Therefore, an electrode method 
is extensively applied in electrochemical biosensors 
recently. According to the method, in an electrode system 
established by screen printing, the quantitative 

3 0 measurement of a material of interest can be achieved by 
fixing a reagent onto the electrodes, introducing a 
sample, and applying an electric potential across the 
electrodes . 

U. S. Pat. No. 5 , 437, 999, "Electrochemical Sensor", 
35 discloses an electrochemical biosensor test strip with a 
precisely defined electrode field applying technologies 

WO 01/71329 



generally used in PCB industries adequately to an 
electrochemical biosensor test strip. This 
electrochemical biosensor test strip can operate analysis 
very precisely with a small amount of samples. 
5 Fig - 1 is a plan view of a conventional 

electrochemical biosensor test strip, in Fig. l,n is a 
recognition electrode, 12 a reference electrode, 13 a 
working electrode and 14 a reaction portion on which a 
reagent is fixed. 

10 Fig - 2 ^ a circuit diagram of a conventional 

electrochemical biosensor readout meter using the test 
strip 10 shown in Pig. i, Fig. 3A is a waveform of the 
working voltage applied to the working electrode 13 by 
the working voltage generating circuit 21, and Fig. 3B is 
15 a waveform of the electric current flowing in the working 
electrode 13 depending on the introduction of sample. 

Below, referring to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 , the 
operation of a conventional electrochemical biosensor 
readout meter 20 will be described. When a test strip io 
20 as shown in Fig. l is inserted into the readout meter 20, 
the voltage of point A changes into 0V from SV. This 
change of voltage is recognized by a microprocessor 26 
serving as a controller, and the insertion of the test 
strip can be detected. At this point of detecting the 
25 insertion of the test strip (to) , the microprocessor 26 
controls a working voltage generating circuit 21 to apply 
a fixed voltage, ■ for example 3 00mV, to a working 
electrode 13 . 

When blood and the like is introduced to the 
30 reaction part 14 (tl), a material to be analyzed from 
blood reacts with a reagent, generating electric charges 
And these electric charges form the electric current by 
the voltage which has been applied to the working 
electrode 13. The electric current increases depending on 
3 5 the advance of reaction between the reagent and the 
material to be analyzed as shown in Fig. 3B. When the 

WO 01/71329 


current becomes a certain amount (ith) (t2) , the 
microprocessor 26 controls the working voltage generating 
circuit 21 not to apply any voltage to the working 
electrode 13 . The reason for waiting until the current 
5 becomes a certain amount (ith) , is to prevent 
malfunctioning by noise etc. 

Since the working voltage is substantially 0V, the 
electric charges generated by the reaction between the 
material to be analyzed and the reagent, cannot flow via 

10 the working electrode 13, gathering around the working 
electrode 13 . After the working voltage is substantially 
0V, at the point t3 # the working voltage of 300mv is 
applied to the working electrode 13. Here, the time from 
t2 to t3 is generally called 'incubation time' . The 

15 electric charges gathering around the working electrode 
during incubation time, simultaneously come to flow via 
the working electrode 13, when the working voltage of 
3 00mv is applied to the working electrode at t3. 
Therefore, as shown in Fig. 3B the peak electric 

20 current (Ip) emerges at t3 . 

Referring to the circuit diagram in Fig. 2, the 
principle of measuring the concentration of a material to 
be analyzed by measuring the current flowing in the 
working electrode 13 is described as follows. The current 

25 flowing in the working electrode 13 is converted into the 
voltage by the resistance (Rl) which is in feedback- loop 
of the output terminal and the (-) input terminal of the 
operational amplifier. This converted voltage is changed 
into a digital signal by the analogue -digital (A/D) 

30 converter 23. The microprocessor 26 has in store the data 
on the relations of the material to be analyzed from 
sample to the current. The microprocessor 26 measures the 
concentration of the material to be analyzed, by reading 
the current flowing in the working electrode 13 at the 

35 time of t4 at which the peak current (Ip) has passed to 
some degree. The reason for measuring the concentration 

WO 01/71329 





of the material to be analyzed at t4, is that the value 
of peak current varies with the state of coupling the 
reagent to the reference electrode and the working 
electrode, although the concentration of the material to 
be analyzed from sample is same. 

As described above, so far there was no voltage 
applied to the working electrode during the incubation 
time, so that the peak current at t3 was very high. 
Therefore, if the resistance Rl becomes high, the 
distortion of signal appears nearby t3 at which the peak 
current occurs corresponding to the limitation of the 
operational amplifier 0P1, accordingly the current at t4 
is also affected. Fig. 4 a is the current waveform in case 
that the resistance Rl is so small that the current 
flowing in the working electrode can sufficiently flow 
nearby t3. And Fig. 4b is the current waveform in case 
that the resistance Rl is so large that the current 
flowing in the working electrode cannot sufficiently flow 
nearby t3 . In this case, the value of peak current varies 
with the state of coupling the reagent to the reference 
electrode and the working electrode so that the current 
measured at t4 varies with the test strip used 
Accordingly, there was the problem of reproduction. Also 
if the resistance Rl is decreased so as to let a large 
25 peak current flow without distortion, the waste of 
expenses is occurred since the voltage measured at t4 is 
relatively much smaller than the voltage at t3 and every 
bit of A/D converter 23 cannot be used. 

Besides, a conventional biosensor readout meter 
30 used only one operational amplifier 0P1 so as to convert 
the current flowing in electrodes into the voltage as 
shown in Fig. 2. For example, when the reference voltage 
of the A/D is 3.7V, the value of the resistance Rl lOOkQ 
and the ( + ) power supply voltage of the operational 
35 amplifier 5V, the current range measurable at t4 is 
0<i<37uA and the maximum value of peak current allowable 


WO 01/71329 



in the operational amplifier is SOjiA. If the value of 
peak current is to be raised, the maximum current range 
measurable at the time of t4 becomes higher than 37|oA. 
In case the conversion bit of the A/D converter 23 is 
5 8bit, if the maximum range of current grows larger, the 
resolution grows worse. Therefore, to gain the preferable 
resolution the conversion bit should be raised. In such 
a case, since an expensive A/D converter should be used 
there was the problem of a rise in expenses. 



An object of the present invention is to provide 
an electrochemical biosensor readout meter which does not 

15 cause the distortion of peak . current so that the 
reproducibility is improved. 

Also, another object of the present invention is 
to provide an electrochemical biosensor readout meter 
with high resolution at low expense. 

20 To achieve the objects as described above, this 

invention is characterized in a readout meter using the 
electrochemical biosensor test strip provided with an 
insulating substrate, a reference electrode and a working 
electrode formed parallel in a lengthwise direction on 

25 the insulating substrate, and a reagent which is fixed 
over the reference electrode and the working electrode on 
the insulating substrate, and generates electric charges 
corresponding to the concentration of a specific material 
to be analyzed by reacting to this material depending on 

3 0 the insertion of sample, comprising: 

a working voltage generating circuit applying a 
working voltage to the working electrode; a voltage 
converting device converting the electric current flowing 
through the working electrode into voltage; an amplifier 

3 5 outputting an analogue voltage signal, amplifying the 
converted voltage from the voltage converting device; an 


WO 01/71329 




A/D converter converting the analogue voltage signal from 
the amplifier into a digital voltage signal; a controller 
which operates the working voltage generating circuit to 
apply a first voltage to the working electrode when the 
5 test strip is inserted into the readout meter (to), to 
apply a second voltage to the working electrode for a 
fixed period of time after a certain time (t2J when the 
sample is inserted (tl) , then(t3) operates the working 
voltage generating circuit to apply a third voltage to 
10 the working electrode, and measures the concentration of 
the material to be analyzed by reading the digital 
voltage signal from the A/D converter after a certain 
time(t4) from the applying point of the third 
voltage(t3); wherein the voltage converting device is set 
15 to convert the peak in the current generated at the 
applying point of the third voltage (t3) into the 
corresponding voltage without distortion, and the 
amplifier is set to make the digital voltage signal at 
the measuring point (t4) become below the reference 
2 0 voltage of the A/D converter. 

Also, this invention is characterized in a readout 
meter using the electrochemical biosensor test strip 
provided with an insulating substrate, a reference 
electrode and a working electrode formed parallel in a 
IS lengthwise direction on the insulating substrate, and a 
reagent which is fixed over the reference electrode and 
the working electrode on the insulating substrate, and 
generates electric charges corresponding to the 
concentration of a specific material to be analyzed by 
reactmg to this material depending on the insertion of 
sample, comprising; 

a working voltage generating circuit applying a 
working voltage to the working electrode; a voltage 
converting device converting the electric current flowing 
through the working electrode into a analogue voltage 
signal; an A/D converter converting the analogue voltage 

WO 01/71329 



signal from the voltage converting device into a digital 
voltage signal; a controller which operates the working 
voltage generating circuit to apply a first voltage to 
the working electrode when the test strip is inserted 
5 into the readout meter (to) , to apply a second voltage to 
the working electrode for a fixed period of time after a 
certain time(t2) when the sample is inserted (tl) , 
then(t3) operates the working voltage generating circuit 
to apply a third voltage to the working electrode, and 

10 measures the concentration of the material to be analyzed 
by reading the digital signal from the A/D converter 
after a certain time(t4) from the applying point of the 
third voltage(t3); wherein the second voltage is not 
substantially 0V and smaller than the first voltage. 

15 In accordance with the present invention, it is 

possible to provide an electrochemical biosensor readout 

meter with high reproducibility by preventing the 


distortion of the peak current. Also, it is possible to 
provide an electrochemical biosensor readout meter with 
20 high resolution at low expense. 


Fig. 1 is a plan view of a conventional 
25 electrochemical biosensor test strip. 

Fig. 2 is a circuit diagram of a conventional 
electrochemical biosensor readout meter. 

Fig. 3A shows a waveform of a conventional working 
voltage, and Fig. 3B is a waveform illustrating the 
30 current flowing through the working electrode. 

Fig. 4 shows a waveform of the current flowing 
through the working electrode, illustrated as the peak 
current distorted. 

Fig. 5 is a circuit diagram of an electrochemical 
35 biosensor readout meter in accordance with an embodiment 
of the present invention. 

WO 01/71329 



Fig. 6A shows the waveform of the working voltage 
according to the present invention, Fig. 6B is a waveform 
illustrating the current flowing through the working 



Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention 
will be described in detail with reference to the 

0 accompanying drawings. 

Fig. 5 shows a circuit diagram of the 
electrochemical biosensor readout meter according to this 
invention. Like reference numerals are used for like 
components shown in Fig. 2 . Compared with the 

5 conventional electrochemical biosensor readout meter 
shown in Fig. 2, the present invention is different in 
that the operational amplifier converting the current 
flowing through the working electrode 13 into the voltage 
and inputting this voltage to the A/D converter 23, is' 

> composed of two stages while the conventional one is 
composed of one stage. 

Fig. 6A is a waveform of the working voltage 
applied to the working electrode, and Fig. 6B shows a 
waveform of the current flowing through the working 
electrode in accordance with this invention. 

Referring to Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 , the operation will 
be described in detail. when the test strip io is 
inserted into the readout meter 50 (tO) , the value of 
point A is turned into 0V from 5V by the recognition 
electrode 11, and the microprocessor 26 recognizes by the 
change of voltage whether the test strip io is inserted 
At this time, as shown in Fig. 6A , the microprocessor 26 
operates the voltage generating circuit 4 3 to apply 3 0 0mV 
to the working electrode 13. And waits until the blood 
is inserted into the reaction part 14 of the test strip 
10. When the blood is inserted into the reaction part 14 

WO 01/71329 



of the test strip 10 (tl) , as shown in Pig. 6A, the 
microprocessor 26 waits till the current flowing in the 
test strip 10 becomes more than a fixed value (t2) ,. 
distinguishes the insertion of the blood, and operates 
5 the working voltage generating circuit 21 to apply 74mV, 
not substantially OV, as a working voltage to the working 
electrode 13 of the test strip 10. 

In Fig. 5, the first operational amplifier OP2 is 
to determine the peak current, and the second operational 
10 amplifier OP3 is to determine the maximum current which 
the A/D 23 can measure. When the peak current is called 
Ip and the voltage applied to the ( + ) power supply 
terminal of the operational amplifier 0P2 is + 5V, , Ip is 
determined as Ip=5/R2. In case R2 is 10KQ, Ip is SOO^A. 
15 When R5 is set to equal R8 and R6 is R7, the 
amplification factor of the second operational amplifier 
OP3 is R6/R8. Therefore, the amplification factor of. the 
current which the A/D converter 23 reads, equals R2R6/R8. 
Accordingly, when R2 is set to 10kQ, R6 470kQ, and R8 
20 51kQ, the maximum current which can be read at t4 is 
3.7/(10k*470K/51K) , that is 40.1fiA. 

If the peak current (Ip) becomes larger, it is 
practicable to decrease R2 and control the ratio of R6/R8, 
so that the peak current (Ip) and the maximum current read 
25 at t4 can be independently controlled. Therefore, as 
shown in Fig. 6B, the current waveform of which the peak 
current is distortionless, can be achieved. 

In the present invention, as shown in Fig. 6A, the 
working voltage of 74mV was applied, not OV, for the 
30 incubation time. Thereby, the current generated by the 
chemical reactions is exhausted little by little for the 
incubation time so that the peak current (IP3) of Fig. SB 
becomes smaller than the peak current (IPO) of the time 
when 0V is applied. Therefore, in case of measuring the 
35 same concentration, the peak current is constant. 
Accordingly, the reproduction can be better as the 

WO 01/71329 



measurement is repeated because the value measured at t4 
becomes constant . 

WO 01/71329 




1. A readout meter using the electrochemical 
biosensor test strip provided with an insulating 
5 substrate, a reference electrode and a working electrode 
formed parallel in a lengthwise direction on the 
insulating substrate, and a reagent which is fixed over 
the reference electrode and the working electrode on the 
insulating substrate, and generates electric charges 

10 corresponding to the concentration of a specific material 
to be analyzed by reacting to this material depending on 
the insertion of sample, comprising: 

a working voltage generating circuit applying a 
working voltage to the working electrode; 

15 a voltage converting device converting the electric 

current flowing through the working electrode into 

an amplifier outputting an analogue voltage signal, 
amplifying the converted voltage from the voltage 
20 converting device; 

an A/D converter converting the analogue voltage 
signal from the amplifier into a digital voltage signal; 

a controller which operates the working voltage 
25 generating circuit to apply a first voltage to the 
working electrode when the test strip is inserted into 
the readout meter (to), to apply a second voltage to the 
working electrode for a fixed period of time after a 
certain time(t2) when the sample is inserted (tl) , 
30 then(t3) operates the working voltage generating circuit 
to apply a third voltage to the working electrode, and 
measures the concentration of the material to be analyzed 
by reading the digital voltage signal from the A/D 
converter after a certain time(t4) from the applying 
35 point of the third voltage (t3); 

wherein the voltage converting device is set to 

WO 01/71329 



convert the peak in the current generated at the applying 
Point of the third voltage (t3) into a corresponding 
voltage without distortion, and the amplifier is set to 
make the digital voltage signal at the measuring time(t4) 
5 become below the reference voltage of the A/D converter. 

2. The electrochemical biosensor readout meter as 
set forth in claim 1, 

wherein the third voltage is the same as the first 
voltage is. 

10 3. The electrochemical biosensor readout meter as 

set forth in claim 1 or claim 2, 

wherein the second voltage is not substantially 0V 
and less than the first voltage. 

4. A readout meter using the electrochemical 
15 biosensor test strip provided with an insulating 
substrate, a reference electrode and a working electrode 
formed parallel in a lengthwise direction on the 
insulating substrate, and a reagent which is fixed over 
the reference electrode and the working electrode on the 
20 insulating substrate, and generates electric charges 
corresponding to the concentration of a specific material 
to be analy 2ed by reacting to this material depending on 
the insertion of sample, comprising: 

a working voltage generating circuit applying a 
working voltage to the working electrode; 

a voltage converting device converting the electric 
current flowing through the working electrode into an 
analogue voltage signal; 

an A/D converter converting the analogue voltage 
signal from the voltage converting device into a digital 
voltage signal; and 



a controller which operates the working voltage 
generating circuit to apply a first voltage to the 
working electrode when the test strip is inserted into 
the readout meter (to) , to apply a second voltage to the 
working electrode for a fixed period of time after a 

WO 01/71329 



certain time(t2) when the sample is inserted (tl) , 
then(t3) operates the working voltage generating circuit 
to apply a third voltage to the working electrode, and 
measures the concentration of the material to be analyzed 

5 by reading the digital signal from the A/D converter 
after a certain time(t4) from the applying point of the 
third voltage (t3) ; 

wherein the second voltage is not substantially 0V, 
and less than the first voltage. 

0 5. The electrochemical biosensor readout meter as 

set forth in claim 4, 

wherein the third voltage is the same as the first 
voltage is. 



FIG. 1 




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FIG. 4 


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WO 01/71329 




FIG. 6A 

74mV - 

FIG. 6B 

T- t 

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Fhternational application No. 



IPC7 GOIN 27/26, COIN 33/48 
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


(vnnimun documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) ; 

IPC7 GOIN 27, 33, 27/26, 27/327, 33/48 

uocumentation searched other man mimmun documentation to the extent that such documents are incl uded in the filcds searched 
Korean Patents and applications for inventions since 1975 
Korean Utility models and applications for Utility models since 1975 

tlectronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search trerms used) 



Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


JP 1-15649 A (DAIKIN 1ND LTD.) 19 Jan. 1989 
see the abstract 



JP 2-6733 A (DAIKIN IND LTD.) 10 Jan. 1990 
see the abstract 



US 4,999.582 A (PARKS el al.) 12 Mar. 1991 
see the whole document 



JP 3-156358 A (DAIKIN IND LTD.) 4 Jul. 1991 
see the abstract 



US 5,858, 1 86 A (Glass, Robert S.) 12 Jan. 1999 
see the whole document 


| I Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C 

| j See patent family annex. 

•A- h£™ ^ T'"* ?l d0 , Cumen,s j , T laeer document published .Her .he in.erua.Kmal filing da.e or priori* " 
A document Ike general state of the «t wh«:h .s no. considered date Qnd not in conflict whh the application but cited <o understand 
... of pabular relevence the principle or theory unde,l,in 8 the invention 

HUn toe ° r Pa,e '" °" ° r in,ema,i0nal " X " docum «" °' P**»l" relevcnce; the claimed invention eannol be 
•i" °! l u »t- , . considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive 

d0C r em w L h ' ch m "y ,hrow doubls ° n f™"* cI »""ts) or which is stcp whe „ u, e docurnen , is takcn alone 

cited to estabhsh the publication date of citation or other » Y " document of particular relevcnce; the claimed invention cannot be reason (us considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
" refemngto an oral disclosure, use, or other combincd wilh one or more o.hcr such documen.s.such combination 
nn „ . . . .. . , . being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

1 document published prior to the international filing date but later document member of the same patent family 
than the priority dale claimed 

uaic oi tnc actual completion of the international search 
21 MAY 2001 (21.05.2001) 

Date ol mailing of the international search report 
22 MAY 2001 (22.05.2001) 

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Korean Intellectual Property Office 

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